Health Coaching with
Colleen Symanski, R.N., C.D.E
Health Coaching is for individuals who what to feel better or even feel great! There are hundreds of reasons why you may want to have me as your personal health coach. Below are a few common reasons clients seek my services:
I want to enjoy myself more in health and fitness.
I am tired of dieting, boot camps, and being nagged by my friends, physicians and family!
Sick and tired of pills!- too many medications, gaining weight, have no energy, and out of control!
I am getting married and want to look and feel my best and begin my marriage with abundance of good health.
I want to change my routine for more results, a better well-being and quality of life!
I am at a stage of my life where my health matters and I want to improve it!
We work one-on-one to create a path for better health and to support you through lifestyle adjustments you desire. This is your personalized plan- no one else’s.
Coaching services are available in 1, 4, or 6-month options. You can extend your services at any time. In fact, many of my clients do. Schedule an appointment so we can discuss where to start and what we should include for optimal results. Prices range range from $300.00 - $1700.00.
Grocery Store and/ Produce Market Expeditions
Do you dread grocery shopping, find yourself confused, overwhelmed or in a rut buying the same old things? We make it easy and fun to find better choices.
It starts in the cart!- The better the food we eat, the better our bodies and minds feel and function.
Understand labels and ingredients better for eating healthier.
Navigate the aisles to embrace foods with a short shelf life and close to their natural source without breaking your budget or depriving yourself of foods you love.
Have a custom "staples" shopping list.
Simplify your meals and make them quick and easy, and get useful time & money saving tips! ​
Refrigerator and Pantry Makeover
Enjoy having more good eats, spices, and herbs readily available to you.
Be better prepared for last minute ideas to support your schedule.
Simple and easy options for progress that you and your family will embrace
Grocery Store and Pantry Package- $250.00
Combine the grocery store tour and home pantry makeover and save for the ultimate health enhancer!